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Improvement From No Light Perception after Orbital Decompression for Graves’ Optic Neuropathy

Another paper published in ophthalmology by dr. Devoto and dr. Bernardini focusing on visual rehabilitation of patient affected by thyroid eye disease.

Otro artículo científico publicado en la revista Ophthalmology, la más importante de la oftalmología.


Compressive optic neuropathy (CON) is among the most severe complications of thyroid eye disease (TED). Orbital decompression has proved to be an effective treatment modality to prevent blind- ness in TED.1 Indications for orbital decompression in thyroid- related CON include incipient or progressive, mild and severe optic neuropathy with radiologic evidence of apical crowding or optic nerve stretching. The role of orbital decompression is to arrest the progression of visual loss or revert it by correcting the causative element (compression or stretching). No light perception (NLP) secondary to CON is considered a very poor prognostic factor for recovery after operative decompression.2 To the best of our knowledge, the occurrence of visual recovery in patients with NLP secondary to CON in TED has not been described.

This is a retrospective review of 3 consecutive patients blind from thyroid-related CON. Based on the private setting where these patients were managed an institutional review board approval was not necessary for this retrospective study. The surgical technique utilized in the 3 cases consisted of a transcaruncular medial wall and posterior medial floor orbital decompression.