Lacrimal Probing and Intubation
- Indications for Surgery
- Preoperative Considerations
Pertinent Surgical Anatomy
- Anatomy of the lacrimal drainage system
Step by step Surgical Series
- Placement of pledget under inferior turbinate
- Dilation of upper punctum
- Placement of irrigating cannula with fluorescein
- Complete reflux of fluorescein confirms blokage
- First segment of canaliculus is vertical
- Second segment of canaliculus is horizontal
- Hand stop against the bone as the medial wall of sac
- Probing of the nasolacrimal duct and schematic view
- medial fracture of inferior turbinate
- irrigation with fluorescein and recovery in the inferior meatus
- Grasping of intubation probe at the inferior turbinate
- Probe is pulled out
- Second probe is passed
- Silicone stent is threaded into a 14G needle
- A small piece of silicone block is used to secure the stent
- Stents are left with laxity
Before and After photos of Typical Patients
- Dye Disappearance test
- Same patient after probing: dye is noe coming out of nose
- Stent in good position. the inferior punctum is round, without cheese wiring.
- Complications.