Dear Dr. Martin Devoto:
On behalf of the Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery I am pleased to inform of the decision to confer you Honorary Membership of our Society by unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors, reunited in plenary session on 23th December 2015.
Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery awards Honorary Membership to only those surgeons who we see as having made a very significant contributions to the technical and scientific development in the field of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, what we hope it deserves your fullest accordance and with which you will contribute greatly to praise this institution which is constantly working strongly in favor of this matter.
Therefore, and before the satisfaction of having among us a so Honorable Member, we hope you can put at the service of the ideals of this society your appreciable will, for which this institution will be always extremely grateful to you.
Kindest regards and our most sincere affection.