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Visual Recovery After Orbital Decompression in Functionally Blind Compressive Optic Neuropathy

Graves ophthalmopathy with compressive optic neuropathy is a vision-threatening complication that can be successfully treated with orbital decompression.

Complete visual loss with no-light perception, is sometimes considered as an irreversible stage of visual loss in ophthalmology. We report some cases of compressive optic neuropathy with no-light perception who recovered visual function after surgery.on.

Compressive optic neuropathy is an infrequent complication of Graves ophthalmopathy. Orbital decompression surgery of the apex is a safe and effective method to treat compressive optic neuropathy.

Several reports have shown a high incidence of visual recovery after orbital decompression. Severe visual loss with no-light perception is an ominous sign in ophthalmology. Some isolated reports of visual recovery with no-light perception secondary to different etiologies have been described.

Complete visual loss recovery after orbital decompression surgery in optic neuropathy associated with Graves ophthalmopathy has not been specifically addressed before.